PinnedHow to get your head right so you can write.We are a strange tribe, us writers. Misfit, nerd, neurotic, quirky, eccentric, introvert, voyeur, neuro divergent, genius, whatever you…Mar 11, 2021Mar 11, 2021
PinnedHow to defeat the anxiety monster, once and for all.From sweaty-palmed, poundy-hearted, acid-regurgitating, gibbering wreck to angster with attitude.Mar 11, 2021Mar 11, 2021
PinnedTalk to your brain rightSTEP 2 in your journey from sweaty-palmed fear monster to angster with attitude — Get your brain talk right in order to write.Mar 15, 2021Mar 15, 2021
The horror of hearing one’s own voiceWriters, stop bloody procrastinating and get on with it! — The video.Nov 19, 2024Nov 19, 2024
Hope beyond death (of your novel)Just went to see a talk by this fabulous threesome: Essie Fox, Liz Hyder and Lizzie Pook. It was lively chat about all things gothic and…Nov 17, 2024Nov 17, 2024
The 3rd circle of writer’s hell — The death of two novelsSo, every writer who has ever been on submission knows it is the 2nd circle of writer’s hell (the first, of course, being ‘#AmQuerying’)…Nov 17, 2024Nov 17, 2024
Close, but no cigar — the crushing disappointment of almost-successThis is for you guys in the 2nd circle of hell known as ‘on submission’. Hell, this is for anyone that has known the disappointment of ‘so…Jul 28, 2022Jul 28, 2022
Mind Quake: Not a sci-fi story.How one truth can explode your reality and make you question everything about your life.May 18, 2022May 18, 2022
Rejections? I’ve had a few…Just a little moment to discuss rejection and how to cope with it.May 17, 2022May 17, 2022
How to shift writer’s block or fear of the blank page.There are many helpful suggestions on what to do to get over that blank page anxiety. Google it. Here on medium, there are many, such as…Apr 28, 2022Apr 28, 2022