The horror of hearing one’s own voice
Writers, stop bloody procrastinating and get on with it! — The video.
Hey — I have a great idea! Oh, do you brain? Go on… (I will add here that ‘Brain’ is actually a collection of at least 7 different voices, none of which I can entirely trust… but that’s for another blog).
Brain: Why don’t you use your hypnotherapy skills to create a video for other writers, you know to help them stop procrastinating and start writing?
Me: Hang on, this wouldn’t , in fact, be a scheme to get me to procrastinate would it?
Brain: Of course not! I won’t have it said!
Me: (Sigh) Go on…
So my brain then persuades me that it’s is my duty to help fellow writers and procrastinators and that I can do this by creating a YouTube video on Canva. Easy eh?
So — cue a morning of me attempting to record and culminating in a collection of clips of a variety of swear words as I attempt to say the word ‘porcrastinating’, ‘procastrinating’, ‘croprastinating’ …. for ‘oh bugger it, why didn’t I just call it “Writers, stop F***ing around and get on with it!”
Anyway — it’s done and I shall now attempt to publish it. Thoughts and prayers.
Well — I have at least downloaded it:
Drum roll please….